Electronic Cigarettes are Giving Freedom to Smokers

ImageElectronic cigarettes go by many names including: smokeless cigarettes, e-cigarettes and e-cigs. For many people who want to quit smoking they are a safe substitute. They look so much like real cigarettes you make mistakenly believe that someone who is smoking one is smoking a real cigarette. But electronic cigarettes do not make any offensive smoke nor do they have tobacco.

Electronic cigarettes are devices that use batteries. The batteries are a heat source that turns the liquid nicotine inside them into a mist which is inhaled through the electronic cigarette. Cigarettes have hundreds of chemicals added to them and some of those additives have serious health risks associated with them; electronic cigarettes have two ingredients.

There are three parts to an electronic cigarette: cartridge, atomizer and battery. These parts are usually separated and connected by screws. The cartridge is where the vapor comes out and would be the filter of a traditional cigarette. The catridge is the storage compartment for the liquid nicotine. The liquid nicotine is heated by the atomizer. Some electronic cigarettes use what is called a cartomizer. It does the same thing but in a slightly differ way. Cartomizer electronic cigarettes only have two pieces because the cartridge and the cartomizer are one. The battery is what makes the cartomizer or atomizer vaporize the liquid nicotine. There are a lot of New e-liquid flavors that should be considered!

E-cigarettes weren’t available until 2007. In 1963 and inventor created a smokeless tobacco cigarette that he said produced ‘flavored air’. Although there was some interest the product never made it to market. It was probably due to the fact that people did not know how bad cigarettes were back then and they opted for the real thing. Forty years later, however, the idea did catch on.

A year after hitting the market less than 60,000 people used smokeless cigarettes. In five years that number rose to nearly 4 million. Now we know how bad tobacco cigarettes can be and that may have something to do with why so many people are turning to electronic cigarettes. And for those who want to give up tobacco, electronic cigarettes are proving to be the answer. Many people who have tried for years to quit smoking say they have only been successful through e-cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes have also given people an option in a time where it is harder and harder to find places that will allow smoking. It wasn’t too long ago that smoking was seen as sexy and heavily promoted. But now it is heavily stigmatized. You would be hard pressed to find and establishment that allows tobacco smoking. But because electronic cigarettes do not produce noxious odors or secondhand smoke, people can smoke in restaurants or wherever they choose and not feel like pariahs. Be sure to look into the cheap ego starter kit.


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